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Pure Copper Handi Lagan With Copper Lid For Cooking
Our Indian culture comes with great ethics, tradition, tastes and legacy.
People in India or outside have stopped using copper brass bronze utensils but still they want to cook meat, mutton, chicken, rogan josh, mutton keema, vegeterian biryani everything in copper pots and pans?
Do you know why ?
Have you ever wondered of googling it ?
I guess no .... because we have got no proper reason to google it. Its just our sense of knowledge that when it comes of cooking some non-veg we need copper pan or pot.
I will tell you the main reason behind it-
1-Copper when heated on flame gets proper heat from all side and remains consistent in terms of temperature through out because its a property of copper and our food is cooked from all the angles and side.
2- COpper when heated on flame and if tinning is done the food becomes enriched with the flavours of copper inside it and food becomes so delicious that once can resist cooking in copper due to the enhancements of the spiced flavours and odour.
3- Copper is the healthiest metal that has many properties like increasing haemoglobin, increasing blood cells, controlling hypertension and many others.
Hence I conclude, if you are looking for a biryani pot, or a meat cooking pot.
This vessel is just perfect for you.
Weight of 12 inches wide and 4.5 inches deep - 4.4 kg
Weight of 14 inches wide and 4.7 inches deep - 6.5 kg
Weight of 16 inches wide and 5.1 inches deep - 8.5 kg
Weight of 18 inches wide and 5.4 inches deep - 10.4 kg
Weight of 20 inches wide and 6 inches deep - 12.9 kg
Weight of 22 inches wide and 6.3 inches deep - 16 kg
All the Lagans are made by hand and are made in 16 gauze sheet so the best our artisans and mould by hammers is done, if you are looking for something perfect this is not the right place for you.
Because artisans are all humans and whatever best can be made is done, weights may differ, few of the cms can go up or down but the product will be same and weight of lid is included in the weights above.
Inner side is coated with tin, tin is a lead free metal used to coat copper or brass so that the food doesn't gets too much of copper or brass in it because people in India once store and forgets about it.
So don't worry nothing is gonna happen to your stomach we are the care takers for it.
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We Really Love to Compare the Brands Present In the Market with Us.
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